Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Clackamas Parenting Together is a coalition of organizations in Clackamas County dedicated to strengthening and supporting families. We aim to increase positive family and community wellness by building a sustainable parent education collaborative that provides high quality, accessible parent education opportunities to our diverse region. Network organizations provide education programs and support services to enhance parents’ ability to raise healthy children in caring homes.
Preschool Promise is a state-funded program that provides high quality, culturally relevant preschool opportunities to children ages 3 and 4. To qualify, families must live at, or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. The primary goals are:
•Support young children to thrive and succeed in school and life.
•Allow families to choose the preschool which best meets their needs.
•Provide a common set of high standards to promote school readiness and active family engagement.
•Provide culturally and linguistically responsive services and opportunities for underrepresented families.
A child’s earliest experiences set the foundation for all future learning and that 90 percent of brain development happens before age 5. When young children develop language skills and learn to read, they are better equipped to engage in learning and become empowered to learn.
Healthy Families is a home visiting program that provides information, support and resources that focus on healthy attachment, child growth and development and positive parenting.
The WIC program helps low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 by providing nutritious foods, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care, including:
211info empowers Oregon and Southwest Washington communities by helping people identify, navigate and connect with the local resources they need.
Dial 211
Text keyword children to 898211
to connect with a 211 representative
Relief Nursery prevents the cycle of child abuse and neglect through early intervention that focuses on building successful and resilient children, strengthening parents, and preserving families.
Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education program works with families, school districts, and community partners in our county to prepare children to enter kindergarten ready to learn. Children ages birth to 5 years whose disability or delay impacts their learning or development are eligible to receive individualized services to meet their needs.
Types of services provided include home visiting, consultation in early learning settings such as community preschools, specialized preschool classes, parenting education, and related services.
The program is free for eligible families.
Anyone can refer a child for a screening or evaluation.
Do you have questions about how your child is growing, learning, or playing?
Help Me Grow is a free information and referral line that connects families with children ages 0-5 to child development information and parenting resources in the community.
contact 833-868-4769
see the Informational Flyer
Fair housing is the law in the United States, all families deserve equal opportunity in the purchasing or renting of a home, and in applying for federal financial assistance programs. Persons may not be discriminated against or excluded on the basis of color, race, sex, ability, familial status, or national origin. Clackamas County has adopted a Fair Housing Resolution to ensure all residents of Clackamas County are afforded equal housing protections.
In an Emergency?
Those experiencing domestic violence or assault and in need of safe housing should reach out to Clackamas Women’s services for secure support @ (503) 654-2288.
LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS of the County of Clackamas that discrimination in the sale, rental, lease, advertising of sale, rental or lease, financing of housing or land to be used for construction of housing, or in the provision of brokerage or rental services because of race, color, religion, sex, disability (physical or mental), familial status (children) or national origin is prohibited by Title VIII of the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. It is the policy of the County of Clackamas to support the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and to implement a Fair Housing Program to ensure equal opportunity in housing for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, disability (physical and mental), familial status (1. children, and 2. actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status or its members), or national origin. Therefore, the County does hereby pass the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that within the resources available to the County through city, county, state, federal and community volunteer sources, the County will assist all persons who feel they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, disability (physical and mental), familial status (children) or national origin in the process of filing a complaint with the Oregon Civil Rights Division or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Seattle Regional Office Compliance Division, that they may seek equity under federal and state laws. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County shall publicize this Resolution and through this publicity shall cause real estate brokers and sellers, private home sellers, rental owners, rental property managers, real estal1• and rental advertisers, lenders, builders, developers, home buyers and home or apartment renters to become aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and any applicable state or local laws or ordinances. THE FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM, for the purpose of informing those affected of their respective responsibilities and rights concerning Fair Housing law and complaint procedures, will at a minimum include, but not be limited to: 1) the printing, publicizing and distribution of this Resolution; 2) the distribution of posters, flyers, pamphlets and other applicable Fair Housing information provided by local, state and federal sources, through local media of community contacts; and 3) the publicizing of locations where assistance will be provided to those seeking to file a discrimination complaint EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall take effect 8/1/2023. Published April 2, 2024.
New science tells us that our children’s first years are when they develop the foundation for all future learning. Every time we connect with them, it’s not just their eyes that light up- it’s their brains too. In these moments, half a million neurons fire at once, taking in all the things we say and do. We can’t see it happening but its all there, all at work. That’s why Vroom’s here.